"Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul."
—St. Teresa of Avila
Room Requests
As you are planning your bible classes and other ministries, remember to reserve your rooms. Stop by the office to complete a request form for room space.
Pie Sales
The Daughters of Isabella (DOI) will sponsor PIE Sunday after all the Masses on Saturday, February 15th and Sunday, February 16th. The proceeds from sales will be donated to the Knights of Columbus, in support of the proposed St. Gabriel Catholic Radio station.
Community Kitchen - Feeding the Flathead
St. Matthew’s hosts Community Kitchen - Feeding the Flathead dinners every 2nd Saturday of each month. Volunteers are needed to help with serving and clean up (generally 5-7 pm). Volunteers are also needed to provide the various components of the meal. If you have questions or would like more information, please call John Dunn at 501-551-0507. Meet us at the Central Christian Church located at 248 2nd Ave East, Kalispell.
Daughters of Isabella
The Daughters meet the 4th Sunday of every month from Sept. through June at 1 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room. Ladies, please join us for our meetings on Sunday in the Rectory Meeting Room, (basement of the rectory). Learn about this very special organization of Catholic Women. Information can be obtained from Marlene Stevens at 406-212-0276.
Liturgical Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at St. Matthew’s Parish is a volunteer-centered program that serves the parish community in all aspects of liturgical life. The choral groups maintain an active rehearsal and liturgy schedule, which seeks to provide music of the highest possible quality for our parish liturgies. Read more to see where you fit in.
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus St. Matthews Roman Catholic Council #1328 We invite all Catholic Men ages 18 and older to join our Catholic Brotherhood and help the Knights of Columbus Change the World.
Jail Ministry
The Jail Ministry team is in need of both Men and Women volunteers. Every month on the second Saturday, at 10:30 am, two volunteers visit the jail to share our Catholic Faith and the Sunday Readings with the inmates. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please call the parish office at 752-6788, and we will connect you with the right person who will be able to answer any questions you may have.
Sparrows Nest
The Sparrow’s Nest has been serving our community for 10 years, providing housing and resources to dozens of homeless high school students throughout the valley. We have housed 60+ teens since we began.
Time & Talent
Listed are the opportunities where you can share your gifts and experience with the St. Matthew’s Parish family.
Liturgical Ministry
- Altar Server
- Eucharistic Minister
- Greeter
- Lector
- Music Ministry
- Sacristan
- Usher
- Washing of Altar Linens
- Communications Committee
- Daughters of Isabella
- Knights of Columbus (K of C)
Social Outreach
- Community Kitchen
- Deliver Communion to the Homebound
- Jail Ministry
Temporal Concerns
- Funerals
- Food Dontaions
- Luncheon Prep
- Seasonal Grounds Work