Offer Mass to Your Loved Ones
The Holy Mass is the most powerful prayer we can offer to God the Father. In the Mass we are praying as a community of faith, mystically as the Body of Christ. In that same sacred moment, Christ, our Head, offers Himself as the supreme sacrifice to the Father. It is within this context of pure sacrificial love that it is most suitable that we, who are forever bound in love with another who has passed from this life to the next, beseech God to take our loved one to Himself. For this purpose, we may request that a Mass be offered for the repose of the soul of our loved one. The priest that is celebrating the Mass, and is present in Persona Christe, quietly makes this offering during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. It is a most powerful expression of our bonds of love. The parish will provide a prayer card to the requester to commemorate the Mass and may be communicated as a loving and faith-filled gift to the family of the loved one. Requests and prayer cards may be obtained at the parish office.