Christ in the Eucharistic Mystery

January 23, 2021

Jesus has wanted to remain present throughout the world so that we might seek him more readily for friendship and assistance.  If we are suffering pain and discomfort, He will lighten our burden and comfort us.  If we succumb to illness, either He will provide a remedy or He will give us the strength to suffer it for the sake of eternal life.  If we find ourselves at war with the devil and our passions, He will supply us with arms for the battle so that we can resist and ultimately be victorious.  If we are poor, he will enrich us with all kinds of good things in this life and in eternity.  Let us resolve to seek his company every single day without fail.  Those few minutes spent in our Visit will be among the most productive moments of the day. And what are we to do in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament?  Love him, Praise him, Thank him, Ask of him. At the close of our earthly life Jesus will be our Judge and Friend. While we live on earth his mission is to save us, to give us all the help we need.  From the tabernacle, Jesus protects in a thousand ways.   As we pray for the poor souls in Purgatory along with the Saints in Heaven, make Adoration part of your prayer.  Come adore Jesus.

Join us for Adoration every Tuesday (1 - 10 pm) and Wednesday(1pm - 6 pm).

Call Ruthann at 756-8551 for questions, to commit to an hour, or to be a substitute.