- The goal of the campaign was $30 million.
- Amount pledged as of January 31st was $31,518,243 in pledges, $11,076,104 pledge to combined campaigns (3 separate parishes) and $48,287,300 estate gifts equally $90,881,647 in total gifts promised!
- St. Matthew’s Parish goal was $1,066,719. Your pledges totaled $1,612,984.
- Our parish will receive 40% of the goal amount then 60% of everything raised over our goal.
- To date, our parish has already received $250,171.79 and we are receiving the monies quarterly as the pledges are paid.
- St. Matthew will use these funds 40% for evangelization efforts, 40% for capital needs, and 20% to build our endowment.
- Our thanks to everyone who contributed financially or through prayer. Amazing things are happening in our Diocese!