Letter from Susie Rainwater

June 8, 2024

Dear St. Matthew’s School and Parish Family,

My family and I would like to thank you for all of the support you have provided us these last months in the form of prayers, cards and messages. In addition, we also very much appreciate all of the time that went into planning, preparing, and eating spaghetti!!! We are overwhelmed with gratitude.

Since my current cancer diagnosis, ironically the day following the WINE Epiphany party during which I was invited to share my journey which included my first battle with cancer and thinking I was still cancer free, I have experienced God’s love, grace and mercy over and over again. The healing I have experienced continues to surprise my doctors and the negative effects of the chemotherapy treatments have been far less than predicted.

If things continue to go as well, I should be able to spend some short periods of time in Kalispell this summer. In several weeks I’ll have a scan and if no cancer is evident then I will be able to have reconstructive surgery later this summer.

Please continue to pray for Dr. Poti who has taken wonderful care of me for nearly 12 years, for my children who have taken turns traveling to California over and over to help me, and that I would remain strong in this fight and continue to receive God’s healing power.

Sincerely, Susie Rainwater